Although most people take it for granted, our ability to hear the sounds around us is one of our most useful and precious traits; just imagine not having it! How would you feel if you could never hear your children talking to you, or could never hear your favorite piece of music again? Hearing loss could put a serious damper on all aspects of your life. However, there are some simple steps you can take to minimize hearing loss over time:
Keep The Volume To A Reasonable Level
Listening to music does not have to be a reason why you can no longer hear. Keeping the volume in your headphones to a reasonable level will enable you to enjoy your favorite songs without losing your hearing. The same rules also apply when you are watching TV at home or watching a live concert in a large crowd. Try not to get seats near any amplifiers, and wear ear plugs if necessary.
Use Earmuffs
Noise cancelling earmuffs can help to protect your ears against loud noises. Everyday activities such as mowing the lawn can cause persistent, damaging noises that you would be wise to limit exposure to. Earmuffs act to keep out much of the noise that can come from a lawnmower, electric saw, or other power tool. The right pair should be able to block out high frequencies as well as low frequencies, while still letting you hear a muffled, safe version of the noises going on around you. Foam is among the most common materials that experts say you should wear to protect against noise.
See A Doctor For Regular Check-Ups
Always take the time to see a doctor regarding your hearing, as regular monitoring of your hearing can allow you to take action as soon as you notice any loss in hearing. Digital hearing aids might be an option to preserve your hearing if you are able to catch it early enough. Fortunately, hearing aid prices are not as expensive as you might think. Even better, hearing aids come in many forms, sizes, and colors, so there is going to be a hearing aid option that just about everyone can feel comfortable with.
Ear Plugs Can Prevent Infection
You eardrum should be kept clean at all times; allowing contaminated water and other foreign debris to get into your ear canal can cause an infection. Multiple ear infections can, in turn, contribute to hearing loss over a long period of time. Using the proper ear plug can help keep your ear clean and free of foreign substances whenever you are engaging in an activity such as swimming or working in a dirty environment. However, bear in mind that wearing ear plugs for too long (such as while you are sleeping at night) can have the opposite effect and turn your ear into a breeding ground for bacteria. So, when it comes to ear plugs, moderate use – when rationally necessary – is the best course of action.
Avoid Continuous Exposure To Loud Noises
Have you ever been around a loud noise, such as a rock concert, for a long period of time, then gone home and felt a “ringing” sensation in your ears? That ringing, unfortunately, is a sign of permanent hearing loss taking place. In order to prevent this, you should make sure to take frequent breaks from any exposure to loud noises. It is recommended that you take a break at least every hour when forced to be around a loud noise. This may sound overly frequent, but you don’t want to be shopping for a hearing aid before you turn 40 because you were exposing yourself to loud noises for too long! Doctors recommend that you be especially cautious if you are around noises above 65 decibels.
Like the rest of your health, your hearing is something that you should bend over backwards to protect. Since there is almost nothing you can do if you to ever lose your hearing, it’s crucial to prevent things from deteriorating that badly. Losing your ability to hear will make it harder to talk on the phone, communicate with loved ones, and enjoy the various sounds of nature. The good news is that by following these simple precautions, you can help reduce hearing loss throughout the course of your life.